
Let’s Think Together 2012-2013 (November-January)

No. 9: «Nuclear power plant disaster area, Iitate village today: from regional perspective»

Lecturer: Osamu IEDA (Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center Professor)

Date: November 10th (Saturday) 14:00-17:00,

Location: Hokkaido University Slavic Research Center 4th floor conference room

No. 10: Movie and Commentary «Schönau’s thoughts: natural energy for children « (Germany, 2008, 60 minutes)  Movie meeting No. 1

Date: November 22nd (Thursday) 18:00-20:00,

Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall

Note: On November 23d (Friday, from 14:00- ) this movie will also be screened in Sapporo City Nishiku Community Center. Registration inquiries: shuuei233@hotmail.co.jp


No. 11: Movie and Commentary «Tokyo nuclear power plant» (Yamakawa Gen, director and screenwriter, 2002, 110 minutes) Movie meeting No. 2

Date: December 10th (Monday) 18:00-20:00,

Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall

No. 12: Movie and Commentary «Somakanka: part 1, Memories of the Lost Landscape»  (Matsubayashi Youju, Director, 2011, 109 minutes ) Movie meeting No. 3

Date: January 9th (Wednesday) 18:00-20:00,

Location: Hokkaido University Conference Hall

No. 13: Lecture meeting «The future of nuclear power plant lawsuit»

Lecturer: Ido Kenichi (lawyer and former judge)

Date: January 26th (Saturday) 14:00-17:00,

Location: Hokkaido University, humanities and social sciences general education research building W103 

(Jinbun shakai kagaku sōgōkyōikukenkyūtō W103)

Co-sponsored: Shut-Tomari (Shut 泊)

Admission is free, pre-registration is not necessary either.
Contact: Hokkaido University, Slavic Research Center IEDA lab.
Phone: 090-2813-4907, e-mail: ieda@slav.hokudai.ac.jp


